From the Book (pdf) The Holy Annual Psalmody, used by the Coptic Orthodox Church (and, one presumes, the Coptic Catholic Church as well).
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- And we also the people, the Sons of the Orthodox, we bow down to the Cross, of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Saint Paul the Apostle, speaks of the honor of the Cross, saying "We will not glory, except in the Cross of Christ."
- Let us give praise O faithful, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and bow down to His Cross, the Immortal and Sacred Wood.
- We take pride in you O Cross, on which Jesus was crucified, for through your type, we were set free.
- The mouths of the Orthodox people, and the seven hosts of angels, take pride in you O Cross, of our Good Savior.
- We carry you O Cross, upon our necks, O supporter of brave Christians, and we proclaim loudly.
- Hail to you O Cross, the joy of Christians, the Conqueror of tyranny, our confirmation we the faithful.
- Hail to you O Cross, the Comfort of the faithful, the confirmation of the martyrs, who completed their sufferings.
- Hail to you O Cross, the Weapon of victory. Hail to you O Cross, the Throne of the King.
- Hail to you O Cross, the Sign of salvation. Hail to you O Cross, the shining light.
- Hail to you O Cross, the Sword of the Spirit. Hail to you O Cross, the Fountain of grace.
- Hail to you O Cross, the Treasure of good things, Hail, to the end of the ages.
- Hail to you O Cross, which Emperor Constantine, carried with him to the war, and smote the Barbarians.
- For greatly honored, is the sign of the Cross, of Jesus Christ the King, our True God.
- He who was crucified upon the Cross, to save our race, let us also honor Him, proclaiming and saying.
- The Cross is our weapon, the Cross is our hope, the Cross is our confirmation, in our troubles and sufferings.
- For blessed is Christ our God, and His Life-giving Cross, upon which He was crucified, to redeem us from our sins.
- We praise and glorify Him, and exalt Him above all, as a Good One and Lover of man, have mercy upon us according to Your great mercy.
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