Be the Light of Your World


Sunday after Theophany

The Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Christ our Pascha, says (425): Receiving the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Christian becomes a member of a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that [they] may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called [them] out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pt 2:9).

Quoting St Leo the Great, it continues “All who are reborn in Christ are made kings by the sign of the Cross. And the anointing with the Holy Spirit consecrates them priests, so that besides this special ministry all Christians—filled with the Spirit and knowledge— they would acknowledge themselves to be members of this royal nation and participants in priestly ministry. For what is more royal for the soul than to be able to discipline one’s body, to subject it to God? And what is more priestly than to sacrifice to the Lord a clean conscience and to offer on the altar of one’s heart the pure sacrifices of a godly life?”

The Catechism continues: The prophetic ministry of the faithful is fulfilled in at least three ways: the unwavering confession of their faith, the deepening of their understanding of the faith, and witnessing to Christ in the world. This is why the Church prays for the newly-baptized during Chrismation with these words: “That he (or she) may become firm, strong, and steady in the orthodox faith, and in love and hope; and that he (or she) might always desire to confess the name of Christ our God boldly before everyone, without fear and without timidity.

Our epistle is from Ephesians, and Paul begins the next chapter with, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children”. 

What does our Gospel today tell us about Jesus that we can imitate?

First, he went to live in a place where people dwelt in darkness.  That’s not hard for us to imitate, is it? Our world today is, in many ways, a dark place.  Life is cheap, what with abortion on demand and euthanasia. Popular understanding of human sexuality ignores - sometimes mocks - the divine plan. Politicians are corrupt. Cruelty  abounds in public attitudes. And, in many cases, persecution comes when we speak against these things.

Once he was in a place of darkness, what did he do? He began to preach. He didn’t focus on correcting the individual ills in the society, at least not at this point. Instead, He focused on bringing light to the darkness.  “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand”.  He became what, in the very next chapter of this Gospel, He said we are - the light of the world. He was instructing the ignorant and admonishing the sinner - two spiritual works of mercy.

In the epistle, Paul outlines some of the ways that we are able to live out this imitation of Christ.  God has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  

There is often a misconception that ministry is something that is, or should be,  confined to those of us who are ordained.  But that’s not God’s plan, is it? These gifts are given to the entire Church.

The Sunday School teacher is a teacher. The Sunday School director is serving in a pastoral ministry. The Christian speaking out on societal ill is acting as a prophet. Every time you tell someone about Christ, or the Church, you act as an Evangelist.  And every time you take Christ’s love out into the world, you’re acting as an apostle.

Paul tells us that these gifts are given for a number of reasons.  The first is that they’re given for the equipment of the saints. We are to minister to each other, so that we can be better prepared for the work of ministry.  In doing so, we build up the body of Christ.

So, my brothers and sisters, in the coming days, I’d like you to do a self examination. Remembering the works of mercy, ask yourself what you can do in your life right now to be an apostle, to be a prophet, and to be an evangelist. How can you teach others?  And, if you’re in a position of leadership (and that can be as a parent, too), what can you do to pastor, to shepherd, those under your care.

Be the light of your own little world, and be the light of the whole world.

